這么靠近的距離讓安瞳忍不住心跳微微加速??倒楣的秀吉(高橋克典)跑到櫻花樹下窮途末路要自殺忽然遇上離家出走的精靈男童記起前輩的綁票攻略于是把心一橫當(dāng)上業(yè)余綁匪豈料男童父親原來是黑幫頭目綁架綁出個(gè)大頭佛前輩教落最緊要撕票但秀吉與男童朝夕相對(duì)已儼如父子竟在彼此身上找到一直缺失的家庭溫暖誘拐誘出了真感情而警局里終日回不了家的「大搜查之男」亦在此時(shí)加入戰(zhàn)圈導(dǎo)演同時(shí)客串智慧型黑幫將贖金風(fēng)暴輕松扭成妙趣溫馨的公路小品??Rushlights” revolves around Billy Brody (Joilly Brody (Josh Henderson) and Sarah (Haley Webb),two delinquent young lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to ag lovers from the suburbs of Los Angeles, traveling to asmall Texas town to falsely claim a dead friend’s inheritance. The two teens,haunted by their own dubious pasts while pursuing their scam, wind up in anightmare of greed and betrayal when confronted with the twisted and bizarreunderworld of Tremo, TX – population 2870.??